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Industry opinion | Planet Attractions
Industry opinion

In a world affected by conflict, climate change and economic uncertainty, culture and cultural icons are under threat, but the British Council and its partners are leading projects across 19 countries to protect and preserve the world's cultural heritage. Stephanie Grant, director of the Cultural Protection Fund explains how this work is being done and why it is essential

How do you utilise different revenue strategies to maximise your park’s return on investment? Vantage’s Aaron Mendelson explains...

Natalia Szczepanczyk, segment manager for Experiential and Immersive Applications at Holoplot, shares insights into the status quo of immersive entertainment and the advances in audio technology Holoplot brings

What are some of the tips and tricks when it comes to simplifying waterpark maintenance? WhiteWater’s Ray Sagasky has the answers...

There’s a trend on social media that is seeing more and more virtual and AI influencers gain significant popularity, should you be using them to promote your attractions? Tom Anstey explores...

Gone are the days of stuffy and quiet museums. In today's world, people seek unique experiences, an escape from reality, and a place where they can immerse themselves and express their creativity. With this in mind, we have asked our designers about the trends that are currently shaping museums. Read on to discover their insights

Alex Book, co-founder and chief strategy officer at Arcade – The Creative Reality Company, explains how attractions and cultural institutions can make use of immersive technologies to reach new audiences

How do you create a successful stay at the waterpark for families with young children? WhiteWater’s Mark Weston has the answers

Dive in as FlowRider’s Joshua Atkinson explores the shift in consumer mindsets and its impact on the attractions industry

WhiteWater’s Grant Poje showcases five indoor waterpark projects that are helping to advance the sector and boost the sector’s mainstream popularity

Equity is different from equality, and on International Women’s Day Una de Boer reflects how to support this foundational step towards a more just world

Adam Hattan explains how content creators can be effectively used to drive new and returning guests to your attraction

Aquatic play structures are among the fundamentals needed for a waterpark. WhiteWater’s Cassidy Newman tells us why...

As we enter the busiest time of the year for most waterpark operators, the team at WhiteWater has offered some tips to ensure the season runs smoothly

What can the House of Gucci movie teach us about sustainability? WhiteWater’s Una de Boer tells all

In order for theme parks to run operations in a smooth and efficient manner, internal communications are key. Ross McCaw, CEO and founder of OurPeople, tells us more

How does an immersive experience tie in with the metaverse? John Munro, CEO and chief creative officer for storytellers Immersive has the answers

What does the future look like for immersive experiences when it comes to location-based entertainment? Michael Mascioni has the answers

When it comes to global trends this is THE next big thing and there’s a good chance you don’t quite know what it means yet. Welcome to the metaverse and here’s exactly why you need to get in on the ground floor.

Here’s why Klaus Sommer Paulsen wrote a book about the evolution of the story, the creator and the audience

Where exactly is the line when it comes to improving the visitor experience and interfering with historic sites?

Could LED technology take the market from traditional projection in the coming years? Holovis’ Jon Tozer weighs up the pros and cons of both technologies

The rich and powerful were recently taught a lesson that being rich and powerful only goes so far. Taking a lesson from the PR disaster that was the attempt to franchise European football, it’s time for attractions operators to recognise that while they might own it, it’s certainly not theirs...

It’s been a landmark few weeks for Amazon, which recently launched its first till-less ‘just walk out’ stores in the UK. The shops remove tills and make retail a completely frictionless experience - something the visitor attractions sector should certainly be looking at

The sweet shop of space is most certainly open for business and some of the world’s richest people have their face pressed up against the window, but is there room for the visitor attractions industry?

With a legion of hardcore fans, visitor attractions could do with learning a thing or two from a place they probably hadn’t considered - the world of professional wrestling

The success of an immersive attraction can be determined by the flow of people entering and exiting the space. Michelle Hicks explains how effective operations can help to optimise these experiences

Why has the UK theme park market changed from one targeting high action thrillseekers to one now seeking to welcome a family audience?

While COVID-19 has been a huge disruptor globally, businesses are using this time to reshape their operations for the better

In the pandemic world, museums engaging with their audience through digital has become an essential process. Klaus Sommer Paulsen explores this evolution to and asks how it will define the museum of the future

Almost cold as ice, Bart Dohmen, CEO of Unlimited Snow, explains how new technology is transforming the snow play experience for visitors and improving the bottom line

Imagineering veteran and founder of the Designer's Creative Studio, Theron Skees, reveals how to take a brand concept and transform it into a physical environment

Traditional audiences need to broaden their audiences and generate some much-need income by partnering with big-name IPs

Firefly Creations’ Michelle Hicks discusses the importance of immersive experiences and how they can add to the overall visitor experience.

Jordan Middleton explains how leveraging user-generated content can create more authentic and emotive marketing in the attractions world.

Liseberg CEO Andreas Andersen takes a look back at the park’s history to see how we can believe in a brighter future for the struggling visitor attractions sector

US’s oldest African American museum reopens following major works

Three men convicted in massive art theft conspiracy

Natural History Museum to launch new permanent gallery in April

Industry insights

The world is on fire, so why should we care about cultural heritage?


WATCH: ‘Surround yourself in horror’ as Universal’s Horror Unleashed prepares for 2025 debut

In Depth

Talking heads: What trends will shape the attractions industry over the next decade?

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Industry opinion | Planet Attractions
Industry opinion

The world is on fire, so why should we care about cultural heritage?

In a world affected by conflict, climate change and economic uncertainty, culture and cultural icons are under threat, but the British Council and its partners are leading projects across 19 countries to protect and preserve the world's cultural heritage. Stephanie Grant, director of the Cultural Protection Fund explains how this work is being done and why it is essential

Maximising ROI: Revenue strategies for operators

How do you utilise different revenue strategies to maximise your park’s return on investment? Vantage’s Aaron Mendelson explains...

Spatial Sound, Immersive Audio: What is it and is it here to stay?

Natalia Szczepanczyk, segment manager for Experiential and Immersive Applications at Holoplot, shares insights into the status quo of immersive entertainment and the advances in audio technology Holoplot brings

Things you might not know about water slide refurbishment

What are some of the tips and tricks when it comes to simplifying waterpark maintenance? WhiteWater’s Ray Sagasky has the answers...

How can attractions capitalise on the rise of AI and virtual influencers?

There’s a trend on social media that is seeing more and more virtual and AI influencers gain significant popularity, should you be using them to promote your attractions? Tom Anstey explores...

Museum exhibition design trends

Gone are the days of stuffy and quiet museums. In today's world, people seek unique experiences, an escape from reality, and a place where they can immerse themselves and express their creativity. With this in mind, we have asked our designers about the trends that are currently shaping museums. Read on to discover their insights

Using technology to take the visitor experience beyond the four walls

Alex Book, co-founder and chief strategy officer at Arcade – The Creative Reality Company, explains how attractions and cultural institutions can make use of immersive technologies to reach new audiences

Are you underestimating the kids’ area in your waterpark?

How do you create a successful stay at the waterpark for families with young children? WhiteWater’s Mark Weston has the answers

What’s next for the experience economy and consumer trends?

Dive in as FlowRider’s Joshua Atkinson explores the shift in consumer mindsets and its impact on the attractions industry

Five indoor waterparks that are forecasting future trends

WhiteWater’s Grant Poje showcases five indoor waterpark projects that are helping to advance the sector and boost the sector’s mainstream popularity

International Women’s Day: Equality is the goal, but EQUITY is how we'll get there

Equity is different from equality, and on International Women’s Day Una de Boer reflects how to support this foundational step towards a more just world

How to work with content creators (influencers) to drive attendance and improve brand affinity

Adam Hattan explains how content creators can be effectively used to drive new and returning guests to your attraction

Standing the test of time with aquatic play

Aquatic play structures are among the fundamentals needed for a waterpark. WhiteWater’s Cassidy Newman tells us why...

Some handy tips to get waterpark operators through the busiest time of year

As we enter the busiest time of the year for most waterpark operators, the team at WhiteWater has offered some tips to ensure the season runs smoothly

Two sustainability mantras from the House of Gucci movie

What can the House of Gucci movie teach us about sustainability? WhiteWater’s Una de Boer tells all

Theme parks must streamline their internal comms to ensure a smooth and successful re-opening in the summer

In order for theme parks to run operations in a smooth and efficient manner, internal communications are key. Ross McCaw, CEO and founder of OurPeople, tells us more

Immersive design is the bridge between physical attractions and the metaverse

How does an immersive experience tie in with the metaverse? John Munro, CEO and chief creative officer for storytellers Immersive has the answers

New horizons for immersive experiences in leisure facilities

What does the future look like for immersive experiences when it comes to location-based entertainment? Michael Mascioni has the answers

Visitor attractions need to be paying attention to the metaverse

When it comes to global trends this is THE next big thing and there’s a good chance you don’t quite know what it means yet. Welcome to the metaverse and here’s exactly why you need to get in on the ground floor.

The story behind Integrated Storytelling by Design

Here’s why Klaus Sommer Paulsen wrote a book about the evolution of the story, the creator and the audience

Should we interfere with heritage to improve the visitor experience?

Where exactly is the line when it comes to improving the visitor experience and interfering with historic sites?

LED is here to challenge projection’s throne

Could LED technology take the market from traditional projection in the coming years? Holovis’ Jon Tozer weighs up the pros and cons of both technologies

The European Super League is a lesson in greed and terrible PR

The rich and powerful were recently taught a lesson that being rich and powerful only goes so far. Taking a lesson from the PR disaster that was the attempt to franchise European football, it’s time for attractions operators to recognise that while they might own it, it’s certainly not theirs...

It’s time for a retail revolution

It’s been a landmark few weeks for Amazon, which recently launched its first till-less ‘just walk out’ stores in the UK. The shops remove tills and make retail a completely frictionless experience - something the visitor attractions sector should certainly be looking at

The final fun-tier: Is it time to take space tourism seriously?

The sweet shop of space is most certainly open for business and some of the world’s richest people have their face pressed up against the window, but is there room for the visitor attractions industry?

Don’t ignore your rivals

With a legion of hardcore fans, visitor attractions could do with learning a thing or two from a place they probably hadn’t considered - the world of professional wrestling

Effective operations within a storied environment

The success of an immersive attraction can be determined by the flow of people entering and exiting the space. Michelle Hicks explains how effective operations can help to optimise these experiences

Where have all thrillseekers gone?

Why has the UK theme park market changed from one targeting high action thrillseekers to one now seeking to welcome a family audience?

From volume to value: Making positive change during a global pandemic

While COVID-19 has been a huge disruptor globally, businesses are using this time to reshape their operations for the better

Successful digital transformation of museums

In the pandemic world, museums engaging with their audience through digital has become an essential process. Klaus Sommer Paulsen explores this evolution to and asks how it will define the museum of the future

Snow play: The evolution of snow in visitor attractions

Almost cold as ice, Bart Dohmen, CEO of Unlimited Snow, explains how new technology is transforming the snow play experience for visitors and improving the bottom line

Dimensionalising Brand: How to take an IP and turn it into a physical place

Imagineering veteran and founder of the Designer's Creative Studio, Theron Skees, reveals how to take a brand concept and transform it into a physical environment

Is The Mandalorian the answer to your museum’s funding problems?

Traditional audiences need to broaden their audiences and generate some much-need income by partnering with big-name IPs

Storytelling: Is It As Important To Theme Parks As It Is To Film?

The Heartbeat that Powers Immersive Attractions

Firefly Creations’ Michelle Hicks discusses the importance of immersive experiences and how they can add to the overall visitor experience.

Ditch the over-produced emotional Christmas ad and replace it with real-life experience

Jordan Middleton explains how leveraging user-generated content can create more authentic and emotive marketing in the attractions world.

There will be a day after COVID-19

Liseberg CEO Andreas Andersen takes a look back at the park’s history to see how we can believe in a brighter future for the struggling visitor attractions sector

© Kazoo 5 Limited 2025