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Natural History Museum discovered more than 550 new species in 2021 | Planet Attractions

Natural History Museum discovered more than 550 new species in 2021

Two crocodile-faced dinosaurs, a fan-throated lizard and a giant rice rat were among more than 550 new species discovered by researchers at the Natural History Museum in London over the last year.

Two crocodile-faced dinosaurs, a fan-throated lizard and a giant rice rat were among more than 550 new species discovered by researchers at the Natural History Museum in London over the last year.

The two dinosaurs, dug up in the south of England on the Isle of Wight, were extinct spinosaurids sporting crocodile-like faces. Dubbed the Hell Heron and the Riverbank Hunter, the dinosaurs joined another new species - the chicken-sized Chief Dragon.

“It's been a fantastic year for the description of new dinosaurs, especially from the UK,' said Dr Susannah Maidment, a senior researcher in paleobiology at the museum, who helped describe some of the new finds.

“Although we've known about the UK's dinosaur heritage for over 150 years, the application of new techniques and new data from around the world is helping us to uncover a hidden diversity of British dinosaurs.

“These specimens are parts of a vast palaeobiological jigsaw puzzle that allows us to understand environments of the past and how they changed over time.”

More from the Natural History Museum here



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Natural History Museum discovered more than 550 new species in 2021 | Planet Attractions

Natural History Museum discovered more than 550 new species in 2021

Two crocodile-faced dinosaurs, a fan-throated lizard and a giant rice rat were among more than 550 new species discovered by researchers at the Natural History Museum in London over the last year.

Two crocodile-faced dinosaurs, a fan-throated lizard and a giant rice rat were among more than 550 new species discovered by researchers at the Natural History Museum in London over the last year.

The two dinosaurs, dug up in the south of England on the Isle of Wight, were extinct spinosaurids sporting crocodile-like faces. Dubbed the Hell Heron and the Riverbank Hunter, the dinosaurs joined another new species - the chicken-sized Chief Dragon.

“It's been a fantastic year for the description of new dinosaurs, especially from the UK,' said Dr Susannah Maidment, a senior researcher in paleobiology at the museum, who helped describe some of the new finds.

“Although we've known about the UK's dinosaur heritage for over 150 years, the application of new techniques and new data from around the world is helping us to uncover a hidden diversity of British dinosaurs.

“These specimens are parts of a vast palaeobiological jigsaw puzzle that allows us to understand environments of the past and how they changed over time.”

More from the Natural History Museum here


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